Saturday, July 6, 2013

Some Final Notes Regarding our Pilgrimage to WYD in Brazil

Money - Pilgrims will need money for snacks, souvenirs, and incidentals. Most, if not all meals are
provided. (About $15-$20 per day depending upon their spending habits). Our travel agency
recommends getting approximately 300 Reals for expenses. The U.S. dollar is not welcome in Brazil due
to exchange issues. Therefore we recommend that you exchange US dollars for Brazilian currency from
Wells Fargo before departure. You may also use a debit card with your bank and PIN or a credit card to
replenish as you go. ATM machines are available and linked to American Systems. A transaction fee will
be charged each time you withdraw from an ATM so do not make numerous small withdrawals. US
Dollars and travelers’ checks are not accepted in most shops and restaurants. If you plan to use a credit
card while in Brazil, please notify your credit card company prior to departure. 

Wearing a money belt is highly recommended. In it you can keep your passport, money, plane ticket,
credit card and any other very important papers. We suggest that you make two copies of your passport
and visa. Store one on your person and another copy in your luggage. 

Electronics - most electronic devices will switch to the 220V without a converter. You need is an adaptor
to change the plug shape. You can buy these European outlet adapters at any Radio Shack or
department store. Brazil operates on 220V, not the 110V we have in the US. Their plugs are round rods,
not rectangular blades. 

Health - Drinking water is safe in main cities; bottled water may be advisable in remote areas and can be
purchased while traveling at minimal cost. Pharmaceuticals are available but can be expensive. For
detailed information, please visit:

Telephone - There will be little time for phone and email communication. We are being hosted by
Brazilian parishes and families. Days will be long and we will be on the go from sunup to sundown. Our
normal habits of constant communication will not be maintained under WYD conditions. Fr. Christensen
will contact us if needed and we will then contact the appropriate family. 

For minimal communication, an international phone card is an option. To call the U.S. from Brazil dial
0021 + 1 + US area code + number. The pilgrims may be able to use the telephone or computer at their
host homes or during some down time throughout the week, but do not anticipate that pilgrims will
have the opportunity to communicate with families on a daily basis. Another option is to contact your
wireless provider and set up international calling access. Contact your cell phone provider for usage
instructions. Fr. Christensen will try to provide updates on our WYD Facebook page as he is able. He will
have also have international access on his cell phone during the group’s time in Brazil. His number is
605-484-8940. This number should be used for emergencies only. 

Climate - Brazil enjoys a tropical climate that features high temperatures and plenty of summer weather
throughout the year with a slight variation in temperature that fluctuates between 70 degrees and 80
degrees Fahrenheit. Brazil experiences warm temperature and plenty of rainfall all year round. The
average monthly temperature for Brazil in July is 71 degrees. Remember that temperatures will drop in
the evening, particularly the night of the vigil. Pack garbage bags to store your belongings in the event of

Packing - One backpack (50lb limit) and one small carry-on. You can carry on one bag plus one personal
item per passenger. This carry-on must weigh less than 18 pounds, not exceed 45 inches when you total
length plus width plus height, and fit in an overhead bin or underneath the seat in front of you.
Examples include a purse, camera case, etc. Keep in mind that you will received a pilgrim backpack in
Rio. If your baggage exceeds these allowances, you will be charged. Finally your name must be on your

Memento - We ask that each pilgrim bring one item to give to their host family after their stay as a sign
of gratitude for the family’s generosity. Select something that is small and related to South Dakota or
the United States.

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