Monday, July 29, 2013

Things We Didn't Know

1) Even the shyest bladder can pee into the ocean in front of a million people if one has to go badly enough. (There was a tarp and a bucket for the girls)

2) Sand can and will inhabit every available space, human or otherwise. 

3) One will eventually stop feeling bad about pushing other people. 

4) One can sleep anywhere, anytime, in any position, under any circumstances.

5) Personal space is an unnecessary facade. 

6) One can always walk one step further.  

7) There is always room for one more on the bus. 

8) In the midst of a million people, there isn't space for serious crime. 

9) Brazilians love the American Flag, and will stop forty strangers for a picture with them. An enterprising person could make a mint posing for photos. 

10) One can live for a long time on toast, cheese, and Nutella. 

 11) Juice boxes with chocolate milk instead of juice are not likely to catch on in America. 

12) We have an incredible Pope. 

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